I have a unique perspective. While in law school, I was in a serious car accident. I was T-boned and then hit another car, which hit two other cars. My car was totaled, and I ended up having knee replacement surgery from that accident. So that got me interested in this area. There were doctors to visit, missed time from work and school, car replacement and dozens and dozens of questions that I needed answers. I needed to know who to talk to and what to do. Fortunately, I had a good buddy, who worked at the same law firm, and we said, “Let’s figure this out.” That’s how we started. We talked to lots and lots of personal injury attorneys.
What Are The Top Misconceptions About Being Involved In An Auto Accident?
Most of the time, adrenaline kicks in and family members start suggesting to do this and that. People get confused. So by the time they get into my office, they have questions like, “Do I have to file a lawsuit,” “What if I don’t want to file a lawsuit,” “Do I have to go to the doctor,” “It’s been 13 days; I feel really bad, but I don’t know what doctor to go to.” There are all kinds of questions, and they are afraid to make a move. They may also be talking to both insurance companies; their insurance company and the other insurance company. They may not know that the other insurance company is taking really good notes. Those pleasant adjusters are professionals at extracting information and twisting words.
Do Many People Try To Handle An Auto Accident Claim By Themselves?
A lot of them think, “Why would I pay an attorney to do this?” There is a reason why personal injury law firms exist as industry in Florida; there are quite a few personal injury attorneys because, hopefully, most of us earn our money. You can look at the stats and say they get so much more money collected and whatnot, but I have people all the time come in and say, “They offered me $700 and told me they’ll get my car fixed,” and I’m like, “How hurt are you?” “I don’t know, but maybe I should just take the money,” and I’m like, “Let’s find out how hurt you are first.”
Sometimes people aren’t hurt badly, so in those situations, they don’t have big cases and maybe don’t need an attorney. Sometimes their injuries develop and they are worse off than they really thought initially. After an accident, they find out that sitting at a desk for eight hours a day becomes a real problem. They have to get up and stretch and take more breaks, and that’s where a good attorney comes in and identifies these issues about how bad the damages really are and how much they have altered someone’s life. We develop a day-in-the-life of our client’s demand to increase value of their cases.
What Are The Common Types Of Auto Accident Claims That You Handle?
A lot of auto accident claims that we handle are rear-end collisions. You’re stopped at a light or stop sign and the guy behind you is on his cell phone, texting and hits you. I see more and more multiple car accidents in a rear-end situation where there are two, three or four cars in a row that get hit. Texting right now is very dangerous, especially at speed when they come up to a red light and they are flying at 25 miles an hour, which can make a really, really horrendous accident.
There are also a lot of parking lot accidents where people are just not paying attention on their cell phones, and there are more and more cars in these tighter spaces where they back out and don’t see people, or people decide to park and then take off and don’t look up. They looked up 30 seconds before when nobody was there, so they just assume that they are clear. There have been a lot more parking lot accidents, and surprisingly, even low impact accidents, when you are sitting in a crooked position in the car, this twist can cause some fairly serious damages to a person’s body.
For more information on Auto-Accident Claims In Florida, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (561) 588-9992 today.